Author name: BlueAtlas

benzene exposure in printing industry

A Comprehensive Guide To Benzene

Workers in industries such as petrochemicals, rubber manufacturing, and printing may be exposed to benzene above the permissible exposure limits (PEL). . Employers and workers must take necessary measures to control and prevent exposure to benzene in the workplace.

battery manufacturing industry

A Guide To Respiratory Protection In The Battery Manufacturing Industry

Respiratory protection plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of workers in the battery manufacturing industry. The production of batteries involves various hazardous substances, including lead, sulfuric acid, and other toxic chemicals, which can pose severe respiratory hazards. Employers in the battery manufacturing sector have a responsibility to identify and control these hazards to ensure the safety and health of their employees.

Respiratory Protection in the Welding Industry

A Guide To Respiratory Protection In The Welding Industry

Employers in the manufacturing and welding industry have a responsibility to identify and control these hazards to ensure their employees’ safety and health. In this comprehensive article, we’ll provide a detailed overview of the different types of respiratory hazards in welding and how they can be effectively controlled using various techniques and measures.

Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing

A Guide To Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing

Quantitative fit testing or QNFT is a great option for fit testing workers. Quantitative fit testing is a specific type of fit testing which provides a numerical assessment of an employee’s ability to wear the respirator based on particle leakage into the facepiece.

Qualitative Fit Testing

A Guide To Qualitative Respirator Fit Testing

Qualitative fit testing is a specific type of fit testing, which meets OSHA standards, and provides a qualitative evaluation on the protection that a respirator provides to an employee. Find out more detailed information on qualitative fit testing,

Asbestos Removal

OSHA’s Asbestos Standard Compliance Guide

OSHA has regulated asbestos exposure in the workplace since the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. OSHA has also established industry specific asbestos standards to protect workers in the US with exposure to this hazardous substance. Learn how asbestos exposure applies to your business.

respiratory protection for public sector job roles

Public Sector Workers And Respiratory Protection

OSHA is a federal law that is applicable to private sector workers in the United States. It does not automatically expand to workers at state and local government agencies (otherwise known as public sector workers). However, OSHA allows individual states to create and operate state specific plans which meet or exceed the Federal OSHA requirements.

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